Python Interpreter: 3.12.8

green: Ok! | red: you have to install it | orange: install only if required

Libraries required for core wrapper

Library Installed Version Hint
BioCASe 3.8.6 Your BioCASe installation is up to date.


Libraries only needed for querytool

Library Installed Version Hint
lxml 5.3.0 Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install lxml.


Status of additional database dependent drivers

Library Installed Version Download Library
pyodbc 5.2.0 Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install pyodbc.
pymssql 2.3.2 Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install pymssql.
psycopg2 2.9.10 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64) Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install psycopg2.
MySQLdb not installed Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install mysqlclient.
pymysql Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install pymysql.
fdb 2.0.2 Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install fdb.
SQLite3 2.6.0 (integrated into Python)
cx_Oracle not installed Oracle module, you also need the Oracle Client
Sybase not installed Sybase module

If you can't find the Windows installer package for your Python version, try your luck here.


Optional external binaries

Binary Status/Version Path
Graphviz Dot 2.43.0 /usr/bin/dot
Java 17.0.13 2024-10-15 java


Status of writable directories and files

Directory Status Path to problematic file
Configuration Writeable None
Log Writeable None
Archive temp dir Writeable None
Archive download Dir Writeable None