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Debugging: DEBUG. Logs at /var/www/provider_software_3.8.5/log system settings
Wrapper: Reset


Replace form with templates for a :
ABCD scan, ABCD search, ABCD2 scan, ABCD2 search, ABCD2.1 scan, ABCD2.1 search HISPID5 scan, HISPID5 search,
DWC Scan, DWC Search, Metaprofile Scan, Metaprofile Search, TCS 1.01 Scan, TCS 1.01 Search,
SPICE-1 Scan , SPICE-1 Search , SPICE-2 Scan , SPICE-2 Search , SPICE-4 Search , SPICE-5 Search ,
GCP Passport 1.03 Scan , GCP Passport 1.03 Search , GCP Passport 1.04 Scan , GCP Passport 1.04 Search

The BioCASe protocol filter operators

Comparison operators Logical operators
binary unary unbound binary unary
equals isNull in and not
notEquals isNotNull   or  


Configuration Info

Capabilities   Inventory